Home Chevrolet Repair Corvette by the #s 55-82
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Vette trove

Corvette by the Numbers: 1955-1982
By Alan L. Colvin
Bentley, 596 pages, $77.50

How many times have you been at a club swap meet or an auto flea market and found a part you thought might be the right one, but passed on it because you just weren"t sure? Corvette owners will be happy with the latest in Alan Colvin"s "By the Numbers" series. This book helps the Corvette owner/ restorer identify and verify all the car"s drivetrain parts from 1955 on through to the 1982 models.

With more than 1,000 pictures and diagrams, Colvin guides you through the maze of parts made by General Motors over the years for the car.

He details what to look for when examining a vehicle identification number (VIN).

By looking at unrestored cars and seeing what unaltered VIN plates look like, you learn to tell a true manufactured car from a backyard copy.

As a finishing touch, the last chapter" examines the year-to-year changes_ made to the Corvette.

This is a valuable resource for restorers or those who want to make some period changes.

It"s available at some bookstores, at DRB Motors (416-744-7675) or through wwwbentleypublishers.com.

Glen Konorowski can be reached at glencar@rogers.com.